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Mobile Giving


How do I change my personal contact or payment card information?

Text the word edit to 28950. Press send and follow the prompts to update your information.

How do I add, edit or view my recurring donations?

If you are already registered to give by text, text the word recurring to 28950. Press send and follow the prompts to schedule your donations.

How do I set up recurring donations if I am not registered?

Text any keyword associated with your organization with the word recurring to 28950. Press send and follow the prompts to schedule your donations.

How can I tell if my donation was accepted or if I sent it twice?

Text the word history to 28950. Press send and follow the link to view your last 20 donations.

What if I forget my keywords?

Text the word keywords to 28950. Press send and follow the link to view a listing of your keywords.

Why did my bank charge me $1.00?

Some card issuing banks place a one-time temporary $1.00 authorization hold on the funds, which is removed within one to two business days.

Why does texting Stop no longer delete my payment card information?

Stop now opts you out of text notifications. To change your payment card information, text the word edit. This change was made so that donors could opt out of text alert services while remain registered to give.

"Looking at his disciples, he said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God." - Luke 6:20 (New International Version -NIV)